Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Between 14 Kids Freedom & The One-Child Policy

Today in class we discussed the difference between the two sides, and explaining our feelings on the matter. I said that my thoughts were that there should be freedom to decide how many kids you can handle, but that someone should step-in if you have obviously can't decide for yourself. The person(s) who help you should consider the amount of income per month (and per year), your ability (proven in the past) to take care of children, and your previous police records. The government should be trying to help, and make sure that only those who have proven themselves able to take care of more responsibility should be given more.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nadya Suleman- Kid Krazy

In late January of this year, a woman named Nadya Suleman gave birth to octuplets, or eight children at one time (like 8 twins!). She had previously given birth to Our class has been discussing if the government should control the births of the citizens, and we compared the differences between China's One-Child Policy and Nadya's 14 total children. We argued about Nadya's decision to have 14 kids, and if the government should intervene at a certain time, when enough is enough. There were many good questions asked, such as; Can she take care of them all? Won't they die without proper care and treatment? Do people realize when it's too much? All of these questions were answered. I personally don't think she can support the most recent 8 kids, because she was already struggling -without a job, single, and broke- to support her previous 6b kids. She can't possible believe that she can support 14 kids without a job! I also think that most people know when to stop, and that in Nadya's case she should be taught that what she is doing is ridicules. 
I think that in most cases, people have a number of children, and then they stop. Most of the time, that number is below 5 or 6. Because most people can decide how many kids they can handle, I think that the government(s) shouldn't control the number of kids per couple, but say to each person individually, "You should put the latter 8 children up for adoption (as in Nadya's case)." I think that the government should get personal, giving each person or couple what advice and "law" they need to follow. 
Another perspective was brought into the conversation, "Should only those who can support a vast amount of children be allowed to give birth to a vast amount of children (namely, the rich)?" Our class decided that there needs to be a balance, not a division between the rich and the not so fortunate. 
According to Suleman's mother, Nadya was obsessed with giving birth when she was a teenager. Could this crazy obsession have followed her into adulthood?
In a nutshell, our class believes that people should make their own decisions, but be guided. There needs to be balance between total chaos (like Suleman's kid crazy problem), and the destruction of child-life (like in China).

Friday, April 24, 2009

My Thoughts On China's One-Child Policy

Lately in Humanities, we’ve been discussing our thoughts and opinions about this law. Most of us voiced a dislike of the government controlling what amount of children a couple was allowed. No one likes being controlled, and it’s just unfair to say that people are only allowed to have one child, and if they break that law, there is a heavy fine or loss of their job. “…Breaking the one-child rule would result in a heavy fine… State officials who have more than one child automatically lose their jobs, a heavy punishment…”


This law was imposed because previously there had been a law to have as many children as possible, because the leader wanted to, “…bury the United States in a human wave.” That whole part of the article reads, “China's population went out of control after Mao Zedong's instruction to the nation in the 1950s and 1960s to go and have as many children as possible in order to bury the United States in a human wave. …Hundreds of millions of extra children were born in a baby boom that sent the birth rate soaring to 5.8 children per couple, a level unsustainable by China's natural resources of food, water and energy.” After that ruler died, the next one ordered the “One-Child Policy” to help the resources in China become less strained. What they didn’t expect was that it would be a bad thing to have less children, “But this is still below the level of 2.1 children needed to maintain population levels, and as such is starting to put pressure on state resources.


Many of the girls in our class also thought that it was unfair that boy where favored, just because they could handle more labor. No one in the government considered what large amount of work women can do, and what would happen in the future if they encouraged the birth of boys over girls. It says that, “…Chinese officials estimate that by 2020 there will be 30 million men known as, 'bare branches." Unable to find a wife to marry and have their own child…” Apparently no one thought of this before the law was imposed.


Most people agreed that this law was bad, but in the words of one of my classmates, if the law was lifted, all the people would have more babies in nine-months, and all the resources in China will be strained. Apparently the officials feel the same way as my classmates, because the article says, “…Although all Chinese feel that the one-child policy has been a good thing for their country, most say they personally wish they could have had more children. Officials are said to fear that if the policy is simply lifted overnight, there will be a population explosion…” No one seemed to consider that some people wouldn’t change their lifestyle and have more children, others would wait a few years, and others may go off and have many kids. The main point is that without a law forcing you to do one thing, even if you do not “break” that rule once it’s removed, it still is great to not be forced to do something you may or may not want to do.


Another factor is that many boys were “turning out bad” for want of a better term. It says, “ Another consequence of the one-child rule has been the creation of a generation of 'little emperors, “…Indulged and cosseted boy children who are often overweight, arrogant and lacking in social skills.” I was shocked to read that the “preferred” gender was acting inappropriately, especially when their unborn sisters can do nothing to save their own reputations.


I was also shocked to read the measures women and their families would go to so that they were still following the ridiculous law, “…Through state-imposed abortions among pregnant women…” I detest abortion, because it kill a tiny child, who may not be wanted, but still deserves our love. I couldn’t believe that women would kill these innocent unborn children, so that their families would not get fined. I understand that they were under much pressure to obey, and where would this child go, if it was born, because no one would adopt a baby when the law was strictly against multiple children in one household.


So, in conclusion, I strongly disagree that this law is good, and can’t wait to see the end of it. I’ve found many reasons why this law should be disbanded, and I think that most people would agree with me, because the death of innocent children is absolutely horrendous.

My thoughts

Lately in Humanities, we’ve been discussing our thoughts and opinions about this law. Most of us voiced a dislike of the government controlling what amount of children a couple was allowed. No one likes being controlled, and it’s just unfair to say that people are only allowed to have one child, and if they break that law, there is a heavy fine or loss of their job. “…Breaking the one-child rule would result in a heavy fine… State officials who have more than one child automatically lose their jobs, a heavy punishment…”


This law was imposed because previously there had been a law to have as many children as possible, because the leader wanted to, “…bury the United States in a human wave.” That whole part of the article reads, “China's population went out of control after Mao Zedong's instruction to the nation in the 1950s and 1960s to go and have as many children as possible in order to bury the United States in a human wave. …Hundreds of millions of extra children were born in a baby boom that sent the birth rate soaring to 5.8 children per couple, a level unsustainable by China's natural resources of food, water and energy.” After that ruler died, the next one ordered the “One-Child Policy” to help the resources in China become less strained. What they didn’t expect was that it would be a bad thing to have less children, “But this is still below the level of 2.1 children needed to maintain population levels, and as such is starting to put pressure on state resources.


Many of the girls in our class also thought that it was unfair that boy where favored, just because they could handle more labor. No one in the government considered what large amount of work women can do, and what would happen in the future if they encouraged the birth of boys over girls. It says that, “…Chinese officials estimate that by 2020 there will be 30 million men known as, 'bare branches." Unable to find a wife to marry and have their own child…” Apparently no one thought of this before the law was imposed.


Most people agreed that this law was bad, but in the words of one of my classmates, if the law was lifted, all the people would have more babies in nine-months, and all the resources in China will be strained. Apparently the officials feel the same way as my classmates, because the article says, “…Although all Chinese feel that the one-child policy has been a good thing for their country, most say they personally wish they could have had more children. Officials are said to fear that if the policy is simply lifted overnight, there will be a population explosion…” No one seemed to consider that some people wouldn’t change their lifestyle and have more children, others would wait a few years, and others may go off and have many kids. The main point is that without a law forcing you to do one thing, even if you do not “break” that rule once it’s removed, it still is great to not be forced to do something you may or may not want to do.


Another factor is that many boys were “turning out bad” for want of a better term. It says, “ Another consequence of the one-child rule has been the creation of a generation of 'little emperors, “…Indulged and cosseted boy children who are often overweight, arrogant and lacking in social skills.” I was shocked to read that the “preferred” gender was acting inappropriately, especially when their unborn sisters can do nothing to save their own reputations.


I was also shocked to read the measures women and their families would go to so that they were still following the ridiculous law, “…Through state-imposed abortions among pregnant women…” I detest abortion, because it kill a tiny child, who may not be wanted, but still deserves our love. I couldn’t believe that women would kill these innocent unborn children, so that their families would not get fined. I understand that they were under much pressure to obey, and where would this child go, if it was born, because no one would adopt a baby when the law was strictly against multiple children in one household.


So, in conclusion, I strongly disagree that this law is good, and can’t wait to see the end of it. I’ve found many reasons why this law should be disbanded, and I think that most people would agree with me, because the death of innocent children is absolutely horrendous.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shakespeare's Sonnet 7

In class yesterday we learned and reflected on Shakespeare Sonnet 7.

I thought that Shakespeare’s Sonnet 7 means:


There is a handsome man, who looks younger than his age, but he has a burden, of not having a heir, or son to take over his estate when he is old or dead.


But now I think differently, after our reflections yesterday:


There is a sun, that is “young” and just born in the early morning, but gets older and brighter as the day progresses until it become noo, then it starts getting older and dimmer. when it is night again, then the sun is gone, "dead."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Presidents' Day

This holiday falls on February 16th this year. This holiday is observed by the United States of America.
"As the first federal holiday to honor an American citizen, the holiday was celebrated on [George] Washington's actual birthday, February 22. On January 1, 1971 the federal holiday was shifted to the third Monday in February…By the mid-1980s, with a push from advertisers, the term "Presidents' Day" began it's public appearance. The theme has expanded the focus of the holiday to honor another president born in February, Abraham Lincoln, and often other Presidents of the United States.  …Lincoln's birthday, February 12, was never a federal holiday…" -Wikipedia
On this day, as on Veterans' Day, it's also a time to celebrate to people who help protect and serve the United States.

Information from:'s_Birthday

Monday, February 9, 2009

Abraham Lincoln's Birthday

Many people know 'Abe' for the kind, wise man that he was, and it's an honor to him, that people celebrate his birthday. But while people enjoy celebrating a dead president's birthday, someone has to wonder, "What'd he do that made him so important, that people celebrate his birthday?" I looked up on Wikipedia, and I found quite a bit of information. He was the 16th president, and he led the USA through one of their toughest times, fight not against a common enemy, but brother against brother, family against family, the northern part of the USA against the Southern. the war was mostly about differences. The South wanted to keep slavery, but the North said that it went against the US' laws. Abraham was determined to keep America from becoming two different countries, no matter the cost. He believed that working together for the common good would help and strengthen both sides, but separated both fail terribly. extremely tall man, and to add to that hight, he wore a very tall top hat, in which he kept many important papers.
This was his signature: File-Abraham_Lincoln_Signature.png

One of the most famous speeches that he gave was called the "Gettysburg Address." As the title suggests, he addresses the people of Gettysburg on the events of the Civil War. He believe in equal rights towards all men, whatever their ethnicity. Many people did not agree, and this created trouble for Abraham. One day, April 14, 1865 to be exact, Abe went with his wife to see a show in a theater. A man called John Wilkes Booth assassinated him, because of his strong opposition to anti-slavery, and Abe's unwillingness for the South to separate from the North. Because of his death, man people mourned for the great leader to return from the grave to help save their country from the disaster that was inevitable. He was, and still is, considered one of the world's greatest leaders of all time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Valentines Day

Valentines Day. This is one of the most popular holidays, because it celebrates love and happiness. This holiday is celebrated on February 14.
One "...theory from Belarus states that the holiday originates from the story of Saint Valentine, who upon rejection by his mistress was so heartbroken that he took a knife to his chest and sent her his still-beating heart as a token of his undying love for her. Hence, heart-shaped cards are now sent as a tribute to his overwhelming passion and suffering." -Wikipedia
People enjoy this holiday because they want to tell each other how they feel about each other. They give flowers, cards, and different candies, usually chocolate. This is an interesting holiday, because there really isn't that much of a reason for this holiday, except the giving and receiving of presents, and the day of fun.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I absolutely love doing quizzes- on paper, on the computer, out loud, you name it. When I was doing one earlier today, I came up with these results:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"American Girl" ®

I read the American Girls magazine, and I just love to read the stories, and take the quizzes. Another thing that I love about the magazine, is that I can learn about other things that are happening with girls my age, and I love to enter the contests. I was recently Reading this magazine, and I noticed this quote, "You really can make a difference." -Kennedy K. This is so true. She was talking about how she helped raise money to support other families that had children with heart problems, who couldn't pay for the medical bill. The inspiration came from her little brother, who had heart problems. He was in the hospital, and she saw other families there too, when she went to visit. she helped with many fund-raising activities- bake sales, actions, parties etc. After her brother got better, she continued the fund-raising, to help those other needy families. Here is the link to that website, which provides even more information.

I went onto the SPCA website, and found that there were lots of things that I could do to help the animals there. One opportunity to help the animals, is to but a SPCA bag from the shelter. They are sold at RM5, and come in 3 colors: black & white, black & pink, and blue & white. Buy today to help save the animals!

This is the link to the website:

Monday, January 19, 2009

TIME MACHINE: Standing The Test Of Time

Mesopotamian times were very different from modern days. Cities' names have changed, beliefs and culture differed, and the exact location of the borders have changed drastically. There were many things to see on the map such as the names of places and the areas in which the names were located. I was surprised that a few cities stayed where they were previously. I wondered why these places survived the test of time. One of the cities was Jerusalem.  The only reason that I could come up with was it was an important city for some reason. When I searched Google, this is what I found:
"Jerusalem is a holy city to the Jews, Christians, and Muslims…King David made Jerusalem his capital. He was succeeded by his son, King Solomon, who is known to have built the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah in JerusalemJerusalem and Israel are holy to the Christians because the birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus all took place there…(Muslims believe) It was from the Temple Mount (in Jerusalem) where Mohammed ascended to heaven" -

This seemed important enough that the people of that area decided to keep this city. The city had such an impact on people's lives, that they chose to live there. The people kept Jerusalem there so that they could worship in the holy city. Whatever the reason, Jerusalem stood the test of time.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Great Reads

There are a lot of great books that I have read, and I think that others should know about them too. I have read a variety of different books, most of which are in a series. Some of these are;

• "Wolf by the Ears" -Ann Rinaldi
The Twilight Series- Stephanie Meyer
• Percy Jackson & the Olympians Series- Rick Riordan
•1-800-Where-R-You Series- Meg Cabot
• "The Luxe"- Anna Godberson
• "Marilyn Monroe: The Biography"- Donald Spoto
•"How to be the Best at Everything (The Girls' Book)" - Juliana Foster
• The Nancy Drew Series- Caroline Keene & Co.

Thought These are only some of the great books that I have recently read, they are some of the best EVER!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The 19th of this month is "Martin Luther King Jr. Day." I'm sure that everyone has heard at least the beginning of his famous quote, "I have a dream…" this famous speech was given on August 28, 1963. He was a Baptist minister, and a civil rights activist. This is only part of the quote, "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'" This man helped to shape American into what it is today.

This is a link to a youtube video:
