Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nadya Suleman- Kid Krazy

In late January of this year, a woman named Nadya Suleman gave birth to octuplets, or eight children at one time (like 8 twins!). She had previously given birth to Our class has been discussing if the government should control the births of the citizens, and we compared the differences between China's One-Child Policy and Nadya's 14 total children. We argued about Nadya's decision to have 14 kids, and if the government should intervene at a certain time, when enough is enough. There were many good questions asked, such as; Can she take care of them all? Won't they die without proper care and treatment? Do people realize when it's too much? All of these questions were answered. I personally don't think she can support the most recent 8 kids, because she was already struggling -without a job, single, and broke- to support her previous 6b kids. She can't possible believe that she can support 14 kids without a job! I also think that most people know when to stop, and that in Nadya's case she should be taught that what she is doing is ridicules. 
I think that in most cases, people have a number of children, and then they stop. Most of the time, that number is below 5 or 6. Because most people can decide how many kids they can handle, I think that the government(s) shouldn't control the number of kids per couple, but say to each person individually, "You should put the latter 8 children up for adoption (as in Nadya's case)." I think that the government should get personal, giving each person or couple what advice and "law" they need to follow. 
Another perspective was brought into the conversation, "Should only those who can support a vast amount of children be allowed to give birth to a vast amount of children (namely, the rich)?" Our class decided that there needs to be a balance, not a division between the rich and the not so fortunate. 
According to Suleman's mother, Nadya was obsessed with giving birth when she was a teenager. Could this crazy obsession have followed her into adulthood?
In a nutshell, our class believes that people should make their own decisions, but be guided. There needs to be balance between total chaos (like Suleman's kid crazy problem), and the destruction of child-life (like in China).

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