Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Appropriate Blogging

  • What does appropriate blogging look like?
I think that appropriate blogging looks respective of everyone, and doesn't include any swear words.
  • Who is the audience reading your blog?
Anyone in the whole world can read our blogs, so we should know this, and not write for a certain person, because anyone can read it.
  • How much information do you want to share
      with that audience?
I think that you should share as much information on your blog that you would to a person you just met. You would want them to know your first name, some of your hobbies, the general area of where you live, and you likes and dislikes. Other information isn't very important, and is unsafe to give out to just anyone.

1 comment:

Sun Hae said...

I agree on your "appropriate blogging" post. But, I think we shouldn't post about where we live...